The property has 6 buildings including the main house, 3 cabins, and a bathhouse. The property can sleep up to 20 persons. There are 3 bathrooms. The dock is 480 sq ft. The main house deck where most dining activities occur is about 640 sq ft.
Site Maps
We permit up to 4 parked cars on the driveway. There are chain barriers preventing the entry of cars into recreational areas. All vehicles are required to stay within the driveway area for safety reasons. There is an electrical pole beside the driveway at the halfway point. Please backup slowly when exiting to avoid accidents and damage.
The water inlet beside the 40 ft dock (lengthwise) should be used as the boat launch. Please return aluminum boats and equipment to their place of storage on land. The fibreglass boat should be properly moored to the dock and left in the water.